Sunday, September 1, 2019


It was hanging out
Smearing between two sides of the issue
Not that it would issue
forth or down

He was distracted by the high-pitched squealing alarm his world was a chamber of notifications that wouldn't leave him alone. Echoing words from the past reminders of failure and no response he rarely had a response to the dismissive statements made by the hosts and the guests their generosity was hollowed out emptiness pushed out what he had taken from it if anything.

Had the van returned the dogs barked but they could be doing that to each other barking at vans they thought the others were barking at filling the narrow margins with shit opinions that had nowhere to go. How long did he have to wait that time the dog found something in the corner the deep hole that exposed a nail from the house being built next door or the one of his own that was losing theirs it would only be a matter of time pieces of time fractions of moments slipping off and between the fingers that picked at themselves removing rings of connection and instructions replaced and ignored.

He overheard their conversation on the other side of the wall something about a transaction and misunderstanding. A high pitched voice wanted to vent and tell a story of others not listening to their advice medical and otherwise. It was interspersed with a low toned humming responding out of obligation and a growing groaning attempt to encourage a conclusion.

- Max Stoltenberg