Friday, November 4, 2011


Getting across the kitchen floor can be a challenge can be a car that can't hold its fluids can be a door left open letting in flies and moths bigger than usual moths can't capture the moths there is one on each wall now they just sit there  refusing to make room for any more pictures knocking down the pictures that were there knocking recollections what did you have to go and do that for?  Getting across the kitchen floor can be a challenge can be a car that can't hold its fluids can be a door left open letting in flies and moths bigger than usual the pets stay in the back others stay in the back don't know how some of them got in when the moths came they couldn't get out that must be it must be the reason this is the usual of the moths bigger than usual this is the usual now.

Getting across getting things across people wasting more time watching nothing outside the moths only watching the patterns on the moths those patterns don't like it when one of them starts to move keeping things still in this still life like still life even though it really isn't this still life will do just focus learned to focus on the patterns on the wings can almost see something some things between the lines until the fucking thing moves keeping things still is more like it more like still life in this still life so real its unreal or so unreal its real really by now really by now by the other flying things used to have pictures of that stayed out away chose to fly over other elsewheres so open beyond the kitchen floor that could be a car that can't hold its fluids can't keep them in keep them still don't upset them to remain still and pleased in this still life still something like life still remaining in place this place as it becomes more like a fading picture as the moths knock the pictures that remain so much for remaining.

Hassles wet the brushes used to paint the latest peeling walls in the back where depressed humor holds up the peeling patterns focusing learned to focus on the patterns on their wings eyes haze over as what is thought to be between the lines vanishes with the pictures knocked from the walls trips shattered can't reach for the torn paper once behind glass they start to move not trying to upset them keeping them still in this still what's the use life.  

Stay in the back talk of this later put the drawer back angry words of applying an old wooden drawer emptied of old sweaters and failed financial endeavors to the back of one of the moths always sounds better when you use that loud deep voice until it rises in deliriousness and you approach slowly and drag your stinking feet until you lay the drawer down next to the others on the kitchen table where the last boardgame with its missing pieces and unreadable fortune cards lies untouched for another year another year of this this still life still life getting across the kitchen can be a challenge can be a car that can't hold its fluids can be a door left open letting in flies and moths bigger than usual usually still sometimes moving don't upset them keeping them still is still life in this still still life until they knock something else down another place once thought of in thoughts of escape only escape in thoughts until they move getting tired of when they move knocking down another place another attempt not many attempts left in this place of patterns stared at watched between movements that threaten that unsettle keeping them pleased staying in the back out of sight out of mind out of the mind filled with patterns.

- Max Stoltenberg

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