Sunday, January 8, 2012


The mind is scraping against low hanging tree branches.  Lines are blurry and defronting into air falling between monotony and discomfort. Waking up while walking along the sidewalk and stopping to notice puffy eyelids in a mirror leaning against a overflowing garbage bin. "Tough to get out of a kneeling position once the legs get that bent the rest of the thing gets pulled down to the basement underneath one's waste," were the thoughts that leaked out in an incontinent betrayal of muted erasures.  

Each of the following musings could be discovered as defaced playing cards on the TV trays haphazardly assembled between sides of a dialogue collapsing into the cardboard for recycling.  Not a fan not for some time not enough time to not be a fan of anything everything pulling for something until clothes are kept on for some time not enough time to not be a fan of anything everything pulling for something pulling on this body until clothes are kept on for some time enough time always plenty of time to deteriorate into an aversive wilting presentation of presence almost almost not. 

Ends means that ending after it ends means over after it ends means that ending after after lost the place place place the means end it ends after it ends addressing replies before it gets cancelled ends means that ending after it ends means addressing replies before it gets cancelled ends before it gets it after it ends addressing replies before it gets on the toilet is that where after lost the place place place on the toilet still warm no hot sharp squeezing still more in there after lost the place place place on the toilet still warm no hot sharp squeezing its going up its going down make up its mind what mind squeezing still more in there long giving up on synonyms the same words will swirl around until the next flushing plunger watching the man beating her with a plunger was it?  Was it a plunger?  He sure made her uglier with every hit.  Never saw rubber bounce so little and leave so much.  Was it a plunger?  For all the waste that gets pulled back.  Pulling and pushing lost the place place place.

Measurements for what?  Stars are reflected in the sunglass lens that has popped out.  The other the other is gone and only reveals the dirt where nothing grows in measurements for what?  For what?  Don't ask.  It pulls and begs the asking stripping down to the begging for this it has come to this.  That over there away don't ask it pulls and begs the asking stripping down to the begging for this it has come to this.  Gouging them out.  Plucky now cover the Earth in trash to fit the mirror for disposing of its glass and the face behind dubbing silence with an all too familiar language too familiar marking the cards.  Plucky now cover the Earth in trash to fit the mirror for disposing.  Measurements for what?  For what?  Don't ask.

Wilting presence almost almost not and the pulling desists for some time not enough time until the pulling continues not a fan of hands and handouts and all the pulling that comes with them and them and their pulling for something so many fans and their pages and pages and books and books and buildings and buildings of fans all pulling the rest of the world until it breaks bent legs and crumpled bodies to break away as the exposed roots of the world dangle until they are pulled back into the astro turf for replacing knees replacing legs replacing hips replacing hearts replacing eyes replacing minds not a fan of donors not a fan for some time enough time for not being a fan of donors pulling shoulders that want their shrugs want their slump towards the other side of the world away from the pulling everything pulling for something not a fan for some time not enough time to not be a fan of the pulling on cold metal bars of glass doors that are closed and shake for pushing pushing and pulling in out open closed open all hours for running out and pulling and pushing and automatically refilling and replacing parts and replacing wholes only parts pulling for the whole thing things pulling and pushing not a fan for some time not enough time for not being a fan a fan of not being pulling back the dangling roots the exposed roots pulled back in and covered in shit fertilized for replacing for rushing air escaping with the wind knocked out of lungs not a fan for some time not enough time for not being a fan a fan of not being pulled back in for reviving not a fan not enough time in a slump too much time until its noticed and the pulling the braided rope thickened with threats refuses to break always refusing as bodies break and get replaced not a fan gnawing on the vinculum at the midpoint just assigned just trademarked the fool on either end.

- Max Stoltenberg

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