Sunday, July 31, 2011


Empty chairs
Positioned against with 
looking out crowded windows
Reminiscences crushed by
Stuffed cushions

Leaking gradually the
Faulty legs curving into structures of waiting
for something else not to happen

Empty chairs
Silently poke holes in groups and cheese

Back rows shaken forward
by words tearing open gaps
in standing and hesitation
that once stared at haunting
light projected on unfathomable
connections of lips soft lips
divided and hardened by

Sitting down
Nodding off
Die to this die to that

Nothing musical about chairs
Maybe a little dirge

Hiding unasked questions
Underneath seats
Tugging on stubborn lines
Chewed into the forgotten
Reminiscences crushed by
Stuffed cushions
Leaking gradually with
Faulty legs curving into structures of waiting
for something else not to happen

Chewing until it resonates
with the flavor of the mundane
Returning to claim
another channel to channel
from channel to channel
story to story
pushing buttons on the plastic control
drawn closer in
further remote

Stacking and stacking
never higher than what is organized

Chewing on channels and venues
Venues and channels chewing
Glued to the virtual
Broken down into emptier containers
filled with the bottom line
adhering to chairs of turnover
rotating around procrastinated

- Max Stoltenberg

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I wish I had more of your creative ability, but instead I'm just a journalist lol.

    Alyssa Ast
