Monday, November 14, 2011


On the surface walking stopping and not moving thinking that doesn't prove very much of what is not or what is it doesn't prove it it doesn't only an it and that does it.  Not so easy does it.  Either way on the surface stopping and not moving thinking that doesn't prove very much of what is not or is it doesn't prove it it doesn't only an it and that does it not so easy does it as it may be still may be nothing but it follows the contours of the surface formed out of the molding of the passing of life life passing molding into the forms of the surface along which beings being as they be with the is what it is following along just doing just that as much as they be all they want doing just that following along the surface and when stopping that nonsense stop and let their eyes and let their noses and let their ears and let their tongues and let their thoughts their erased thoughts follow along the surface up and down and up and down and up and down and straight a little bit and up a little bit and down a lot down even more and up a lot and out of reach and down and out of reach following along the surface with its solid and swampish and so full of holes and buried in surface and its contours formed out of the molding of the passing of life life passing molding into the forms of the surface along which beings being as they be with the is what it is following along the surface along the rifts along the scaffolding along the repairs along the passing of time along the passing of life along the molding of life forming the surface and along its rifts along the scaffolding along the repairs along the passing of more time more along the same business of the contours of the surface following and following along the contours and shades and frames of contours and frames of shades along the pages along the catalogs along the catatonic along the tectonic along the followers following along the cracks along the big fucking crack running down the middle between here and there and then and now and just a moment ago just a breath ago just a breath between knuckles her knuckles so long ago so far following only the surface of knuckles following only smoke over ash covered knuckles cracked with the mundane alone along following along the crack between repeat and break it up into personalized cracks between let it go and keep it to oneself between do and don't so close together in the brain splitting headache shut up shut the page answer the page shut it answer take it easy take it take it have it die on it die on the molding surface following with aching head and feet with bloodshot eyes bloodshot senses shotgun nonsense put it down pick it up throw it away might need it might need might not need always need hate that despise that part that part of the contours of the surface the sudden sharp downward part or sudden steep upward part getting stuck with that part the part with the might need part always needing part hate that despise that part that part where it splits into following along the surface the molding surface of life and its molding along its acidulating along its coagulating in limbs inside the limbs up and down sudden sharp stopping nothing moving and then it moves again following along the contours of the passing and molding of life forming the surface slowing breath a shallower and shallower breath that can ripple a smaller and smaller and smaller part of the surface hate that despise that part.

- Max Stoltenberg

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